Health Tips and RO Technology

RO technology is one of the latest technologies ever since the concept of water purification has been evolved. Reverse Osmosis entertains the purification system in a way that the desalination process allows the water full of chlorine to drinking.

This concept basically deals with a minimum of SIX stages and can go up to a maximum of EIGHT stages. In the first stage, this purification process has the capacity to filter up to 5 microns. The membrane manufactured by DOW Chemicals/ Vontron, a US renowned brand has the ability to filter 1/10,000 microns. The size of the bacteria is 0.02 micron which becomes 1/200 microns. So none of the suspended particles can get pass through the state-of-the-art technology of membrane.

This equipment has been upgraded by the advance technology of the Bio-Cera as well as the UV of Phillips has added an additional value to the product. AquaPure has been the largest producer of the water purification and filtration process across the globe. With an aim to be the largest in the market, AquaPure has now entered into the PAKISTAN market and has been able to capture the largest market share of Pakistan. Today in Pakistan people are now more relying on the water purification systems as compared to the bottled waters. Because of the fact that many articles have been issued and published in the local as well as international newspapers. These articles were also supported by government officials such as the food department published many articles against bottled water.

Research has proved that bottles are exposed to sunlight and since bottles contain plastic and thus causing a chemical reaction. This results in toxic material entering the water and it becomes one of the main reasons for the aging disorders such as; diabetes, constipation, cancer, hypertension, etc.

Furthermore; research has proved that alkaline has been the solution to these kinds of threats. Supreme Court of Pakistan has taken strict action against the mineral water companies. The ruler of the state has spent enough amount of money to provide drinkable water to the households. However many households are still looking for the option available for the purification of water.